Giant Hamster
What if all the other hamsters are just miniature versions of him? As far as Boo is concerned, the other hamsters just aren’t trying hard enough. If they followed his training regime, maybe they could be giants too.
The Giant Hamster can be unlocked in Fosberg.
The Giant Hamster has tan fur, and wears a small red vest. He has large tusks and horns, and always looks a little intimidating. Always ready for a fight, he wears white bandages around his fists. He is one of the largest units you can have.
The Giant Hamster, AKA Rodney, AKA Boo, believes in training hard, hitting hard and always going for the eyes. He’s not the best conversationalist, unless you’re fascinated by weight lifting, but he’s a heck of a rodent to have on your side in a fight. As far as he’s concerned, fighting is the best way to prove you’re the strongest and inspire the other hamsters to be like him.
Powers and Abilities
A gigantic unit with lots of health. Similar to your average hamster. A great tank unit, but with great power, comes slow speed.
As a common card, Boo starts at level 1.